Products for Professional Piano Technicians

Piano Hammers

Selecting Replacement Hammers

The Louis Renner company produces the hammerheads for the world’s finest piano makers, as they have done for over 130 years, and have grown to become the largest, independent, producer of hammerheads in the world. The German Steinway, Bösendorfer, Fazioli, Schimmel, Bechstein, Blüthner, Estonia, Förster, and Steingräber are among the world’s premium pianos that use Renner hammers which are produced to each manufacturer’s specifications. Our selection of hammers for the North & South American markets include the following premium product lines which incorporate the original designs developed early in the 20th century for vintage Steinway and other quality pianos. These superior hammerheads are produced utilizing the most advanced technology and state-of-the-art machinery in the industry, combined with the finest German hand-craftsmanship.

The Grand hammers are made in five basic weights, from Gross 2 (12 lb.) to Gross 5 (18 lb.) with an additional Gross 6 (20 lb.) size available in the New Hamburg Collection. Our standard and long molding sizes normally fit 80% of the pianos you are likely to encounter. Three universal molding sizes are also available in both Premium Blue, and Premium Blue Point, which can be custom bored, shaped, and tailed for the remaining 20% of grand pianos. The upright hammers are available in two basic sizes which will fit nearly every upright piano.

Renner Premium Blue

The original hammer designed and offered by Renner USA that delivers outstanding performance in all makes and models of quality grand pianos. These hammerheads achieved their popularity over more than 30 years by providing superior tone and sound quality without requiring the use of lacquer or chemical hardeners.

Renner Premium “Blue Points”

The newer Premium Blue Point hammers feature the legendary Weickert Special felt, which was re-developed by the Würzen felt company and the Louis Renner Company with the cooperation of some top piano manufacturers. They are made exclusively for Renner USA, and pressed into a more pointed shape than traditional hammerheads to enable technicians and pianists to fully experience the many advantages of this amazing felt recipe. These high-tension hammers are known to produce a warm, clear tone, an incredible dynamic range, big sustains, and more. They offer stability and durability and also do not require the use of lacquer or chemical hardeners to produce tone. The “Blue Points” typically require less needling than our Premium Blue hammers and can be easily voiced to produce the desired tone in any environment.

NEW Hamburg Collection

Designed for use in newer Hamburg Steinway & Sons grand pianos produced since 1970. Wider width and heavier weight.

Contact Us

Phone Number: 480.575.1700
Toll-Free: 877.475.1700
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Business Hours:
8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Mon – Fri, AZ time

Renner USA
Administration Office

P.O. Box 3440
Carefree, Arizona 85377

Renner USA Warehouse
and Technical Shop

7755 E Redfield Road
Suite 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85260

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